What are Time Based Techniques?
Time Travel for Self Empowerment
Have you ever been fueled with negative emotion such as anger, fear, dread, jealousy or self-doubt— like putting a flame to petrol— when the outside stimulant wasn't really that extreme?
Negative emotions and limiting beliefs are often triggered by events in the past. Most of us are so used to these parts of ourselves that we run on automatic pilot— unaware of specific causes for our emotions, or attempt to repress the past knowing it can’t be changed . . . or can it? Our perception of it certainly can.
If the causes of unwanted thoughts and behaviour are ignored and you don’t take a peek behind the scenes— whatever hinders you from a happier life will continue to emerge like a red flag, as if reminding you to heal your wounds.
To understand how the past is affecting your present— to heal wounds and gain empowerment, you can access your subconscious mind and learn to support your younger self with the resources you have right now.
You time-travel back to events stuck in your subconscious mind

Your own unique Time Line can be used to travel back and forward in time to resolve issues embedded in your subconscious from past trauma— which are influencing your present emotions.
I’ve always wanted to time travel and this is the next best thing!
Time Based Techniques don’t take much time at all! In one session you can get to the root cause of a problem, change habitual ways of thought and behaviour— and gain a more empowered, supportive and holistic perspective of yourself.
The Process
The practitioner guides you into deep relaxation to connect you to your subconscious mind. From this safe space you gain insight— enabling you to clearly look at an event in the past, and understand what was required back then. Your older self then 'hands over' the resources you have as an adult to your younger self. This learning is then implemented in similar imagined future scenarios.
You may ask why the subconscious mind leaves an unresolved issue hanging around. It’s because your inner security guard lives here. It wants to protect you from harm so encourages behaviour to keep you safe.
A significant emotional event in the past is trapped in time with no resources. An incident at the age of 5 is usually isolated at 5, and at 35 has a whole spectrum of protection around it.
It may not be a huge trauma, you may have forgotten that it happened - but somehow, it affects how you think, react or feel now.
Your conscious mind is like the captain of your ship
& your subconscious mind the engine room
For the technique to work, you as the captain have to trust your engine room. You have to choose to trust your subconscious mind to do its job.
The subconscious mind is accessed by being rather than doing-- such as when you're deeply relaxed - or present in a space absorbing the essence of art, nature, music, dance, free writing or meditating. When you're present in this kind of situation, the subconscious mind will raise its hand and speak up.
Using Time Based Techniques, you listen and let it happen. You allow your subconscious mind to speak.
The therapy is done conversationally. The practitioner can keep their eyes open or closed.
Time Based Techniques were founded by John Overdurf and are an extremely successful form of therapy that relies on your willingness to accept the wisdom of your subconscious mind. Your own truths, insights and opinions are encountered, not the therapist's.